I use Last.fm, and for a long time, I used the official iOS scrobbler from them. However, it hasn’t been updated since January 2014 last I checked, making the current build over a year old. Between predating iOS 8 and thus probably not being well-optimized for it and me subscribing to iTunes Match, it started having basic functionality problems. It would often miss scrobbles for no apparent reason and not update my play counts reliably via Match. It could rarely even load my profile and streaming was finicky at best, even with a good connection. As a result, I started looking for alternatives that would do what I wanted - scrobble my plays and update play counts through Match. My search finally led me to this app.
It was with a bit of initial hesitation, even after reading as much information and reviews that I could that I spent the money on it, but since using it I haven’t regretted it. It has reliably done what I wanted - scrobbled my plays, and updated my play counts with Match. Only two mistakes so far: one double scrobble (easily deleted from my Last.fm profile) and one song that registered two plays through Match instead of one. But even with those errors, its still far better than how well the official app had been doing for a long time.
I like that I can see a Last.fm scrobbling progress indicator as a song plays. I like how I can see what’s in an offline queue, and scrobble everything thats there once I have a better connection. Knowing what it’s doing with scrobbling is very helpful to me. Also since switching to this app for my mobile listening, my iTunes play counts reliably update within 24 hours, which I can’t say for the official app, which would update my play counts anywhere from within minutes to a week later (and too often not at all).
I stop short of 5 stars for a few things that I think could be added. While I like the touch and gesture based controls, it is a bit prone to error with accidental touches and misinterpreted gestures. It can also be a little imprecise with delayed feedback. I think it would be helpful to have that control scheme, but with an option to switch it off in favor of a more standard play control interface if preferred. Also, once an album or play queue is finished, I think it would be great if the app went back to the user’s selected list view (albums, artists, playlists, etc.) instead of the “Take your pick!” view (or make this a changeable setting). Last, it would be awesome if for iTunes Match users, downloads could be initiated in-app. It’s great to be able to see what’s stored locally and what’s in the cloud, but going a step further would make it possible for me to stop using the stock app entirely. I like to store some music locally for my daily commuting, as I take a bus and go through a few places where I have a weak data connection, so streaming isn’t always the best option for me. But right now, I still have to use the stock app to download anything.
Overall, though, those are pretty minor things considering where I came from, and in the end, it does the two biggest things I want pretty reliably - scrobble to Last.fm, and update with iTunes Match.
Wolf Bird about SmartPlayer - Music Player and Scrobbler for Last.fm